Why Ashurst Beacon?

Ashurst Beacon is a sole-proprietorship, owned and operated by Mr. Dawson. As a result, when you hire Ashurst Beacon you get an experienced actuary working for you directly on your account. Mr. Dawson will perform all aspects of any assignment. He will be the one who reviews your data, prepares the actuarial analysis, and presents the results and his insights to you. This avoids situations typically found in larger actuarial consulting firms wherein a lower level staff actuary performs the analysis and the actuary you hired simply reviews and presents the results to you without having detailed knowledge of any issues or nuances uncovered in the analysis. By hiring Ashurst Beacon you get a trusted and experienced business advisor to provide you with objective and independent advice on actuarial related issues.

As a one-person consulting firm there may be situations where additional resources and/or expertise are required in order to fully service our clients. To accommodate these situations we have formed a strategic alliance with several independent actuarial consulting firms to utilize their staff on a loan-staff basis. These firms include:

  • Intrequant Advisors LLC
  • Jordan Actuarial Services
  • Insurance Resolutions, Inc
  • TS Carpenter & Associates
  • The Actuarial Advantage Inc.
  • Insureware Pty